Adopt a Registration Agenda, even in B2C

How can Events Pass help organizers Adopt a Registration Agenda, even in B2C? Interview with Ed Bruno, EventsPass VP of Sales   In the latest installment of our video series, we posed some catchy questions to Ed Bruno to help Event Organizers understand how data can support their business goals. He lobbies heavily for having…

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Tap Exhibitor Networks for More Tickets

How does Events Pass help organizers work with exhibitors to build an audience? Interview with Ed Bruno, EventsPass VP of Sales   At Events Pass, we’ve been working on crafting a strategy that is quite unique, and it’s thinking about your exhibitors in a different way. Think about your exhibitors as having the potential to…

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How can events build velocity for revenue growth?

Retain + Add New = Exhibitor Velocity to Drive Growth Interview with Ed Bruno, EventsPass VP of Sales   We have this notion that we talk about all the time around building exhibitor velocity. It’s taking what you’ve been successful at already, which is closing this plethora of exhibitors, this exhibitor pool, and building upon…

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Coach Exhibitors for the Win-Win

How can event organizers coach exhibitors to have success onsite? Interview with Ed Bruno, EventsPass VP of Sales   One of the questions we get asked often by our customers, our show organizers, is how we can work together as a team to be more effective in helping the exhibitors be successful. And what we…

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