Exhibitors WANT to track leads

Designed to streamline the lead capture process, EventsPass LeadGen app allows exhibitors to scan attendee digital passes using their own devices, maximizing ROI and enhancing the overall experience.


Clients of EventsPass have reported the following

26% Increase in Scans

have been reported YoY by exhibitors using EventsPass LeadGen app

167 Buyer Scans

Were reported on average for each exhibitor at one of our largest events

3,700 Attendees Scanned

And shared their contact info with an exhibitor at a recent B2C event.

More data, better Experience

Keep exhibitors happy and returning to your show with EventsPass LeadGen. Our app allows for simple scanning of attendee digital passes on exhibitors’ own devices.

Seamless Process

Simple and efficient for both attendees and exhibitors. Allow exhibitors to quickly follow-up with their leads.

Exhibitor Portal
Reporting and Data Capture

Real-Time Data Updates

Attendee contact details can be updated right at the point of scan. Allow your exhibitors to track ROI data and performance with ease.

Financially Beneficial

Tailored financial models to benefit all stakeholders. Plus enjoy paperless efficiency. Eliminate the need for paper forms and clipboards. Give your show an upgrade with useful tech.

Exhibitor Guest Tickets
Filling out Leadgen

How B2C & B2B Exhibitors are using eventspass

More registered tickets leads to more data, revealing trends in attendance and ticket buying so you can optimize outreach and ad buys.

"Implement a streamlined guest check-in that feeds into your CRM that's efficient and easy to use, like the EventsPass Lead Gen.. it has made trade shows really a breeze"

Sabrina Fernandez, One Wave Collective


Whether you are producing a consumer show, trade show, festival, corporate or simply an enthusiast event, we have the experienced team and innovative software solutions to support your exhibitors AND attendees.

How to coach exhibitors for the win-win
How to Coach Exhibitors for the Win-Win

Discover how they elevated their boat shows with frictionless digital ticketing.

sabrina_Video_Imgs-v2_Square 1
Improve Attendee-Exhibitor Interactions with LeadGen Software

 Learn how clunky LeadGen methods can affect the attendee experience.

Tool for exhibitors
Tools for Exhibitors That Can Ignite Ticket Sales

A successful consumer show is built on the ability to attract a growing number of attendees.

Take Ownership in your events

Maximize the impact on your exhibitors and attendees with the EventsPass EVENT TICKETING & REGISTRATION PLATFORM